High School for Public Service: Heroes of Tomorrow

High School for Public Service: Heroes of Tomorrow
600 Kingston Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11203
600 Kingston Avenue
Brooklyn, New York, United States
Type Public
Established 2003
School board New York City Public Schools
School number K546
Principal Ben Shuldiner
Grades 912
Enrollment 402

High School for Public Service: Heroes of Tomorrow is a New York City public high school in Brooklyn, New York, founded in 2003. In addition to its academic curriculum, HSPS encourages its students to become involved in their communities through public service learning. HSPS was awarded an 'A' by the NY Department of Education for the 2009-2010 school year and in 2010 was named a Title 1 Distinguished School for New York State.[1]


Overview and Mission

The mission of the High School for Public Service: Heroes of Tomorrow is to enable each student to develop the academic and social skills necessary to be an active participant in the community and society. Our school is a small, unique learning environment in which every student is expected to succeed. Through a profound dedication to community service, HSPS works to bring the community into the classroom. Every student must complete 50 hours of community service per year, a number many students choose to exceed. This spirit of community service in our school, along with our challenging academic program, teaches students to become heroes of tomorrow.

Special Programs

Community Partnerships

Extracurricular Activities

Community Service

Community service and citizenship are where the heart of our school lies. Students take a four semester community service curriculum which includes community organizing, community leadership, human rights, and government participation. In addition, students MUST complete a minimum of 50 hours of community service EACH year as a graduation requirement. This requirement is supported through strong partnerships with various community organization including New York Cares, New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, CORO Exploring Leadership, Project PEACE, Global KIDS, among many others. Additionally, students have formed committees to organize fundraising projects, service events and benefit concerts, joined Global and National Youth Service Day citywide planning teams and participated in multiple leadership training opportunities throughout the city. All of our students graduate with a full student resume of service and volunteerism experience that serves as a powerful tool during the college application process.

School Farm

The mission of the High School for Public Service Youth Farm is to create an outdoor classroom for hands on learning, provide affordable produce to the community, empower students to become community leaders and stewards of the environment, and provide educational and volunteer opportunities in urban agriculture. The unique Farm program provides affordable and environmentally-sustainable food to the community, allows our students to practice valuable life skills and reinforces healthy eating habits. Check out the Farm's blog or come sample the merchandise at the weekly Farmer's Market, held every Wednesday from 2:30-6:30 pm. June 22 through October.[2]


HSPS in the News

Educational and Academic Awards

The Farm

Law Academy

Public Service and Extracurriculars


  1. ^ "Progress Report Citywide High Schools". http://schools.nyc.gov/OA/SchoolReports/2009-10/Progress_Report_2010_HS_K546.pdf. 
  2. ^ "Mission Statement". HSPS Youth Farm Mission. http://hspsfarm.blogspot.com/p/about-farm.html. 
  3. ^ "National Title I Association". 2010 National Title I Distinguished Schools. http://www.nationaltitleiassociation.org/?DS_2010. 
  4. ^ "High School for Public Service: Bronze Medal". Best High Schools. US News and World Report. http://education.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-high-schools/listings/new-york/high-school-for-public-service. 
  5. ^ "Education Reform 101: An Urban High School That Works". City Limits Online. http://www.citylimits.org/news/articles/4230/education-reform-101-an-urban-high-school-that-works. Retrieved 22 November 2010. 
  6. ^ Metz, Cara (25 November 2010). "No Room for Failure at Teacher Union Day". UFT.org. http://www.uft.org/feature-stories/no-room-failure-hs-public-service. 
  7. ^ Chapman, Ben. "Brooklyn HS reaps 500 lbs of organic produce each week from on-site vegetable garden". The NY Daily News. http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/brooklyn/2010/08/13/2010-08-13_call_it_harvest_hs_bklyn_school_reaps_fruits_of_its_onsite_vegetable_garden.html. 
  8. ^ Chapman, Ben. "High School for Public Service in East Flatbush plans Schoolyard Farm to sell fresh produce". NY Daily News. http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2010/02/28/2010-02-28_planting_good_crop_of_kids_at_bklyn_hs.html. Retrieved 2010-02-28. 
  9. ^ "Planting Seeds: The White House Garden and a Brooklyn High School Farm". EatTV.com. http://www.eattv.com/watch/more/white_house_garden_brooklyn_school_farm_food_video. Retrieved 1 June 2011. 
  10. ^ "29 Mini-Grants Awarded to NYC School Gardens". GrowNYC Blog. http://www.grownyc.org/blog/. Retrieved 4 May 2011. 
  11. ^ Genzlinger, Neil (29 April 2011). "Concrete Farm Grows Chard (Callaloo, Too)". New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/01/nyregion/concrete-farm-grows-chard-callaloo-too.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=high%20school%20for%20public%20service%20farm&st=cse. 
  12. ^ Teicher, Jordan (July 7, 2011). "Urban Farming: Local interns flock to city farms for hands-on training from compost to chicken coops". NY Daily News. http://www.nydailynews.com/lifestyle/food/2011/07/07/2011-07-07_urban_farming_local_interns_flock_to_the_farm_to_.html. 
  13. ^ "Cadwalader Attorneys Mentor Students from the High School for Public Service". Cadwalader News Releases. http://www.cadwalader.com/assets/news_release/012709HighSchoolPubServ.pdf. 
  14. ^ Stull, Elizabeth. "Brooklyn Teens Try Out Corporate Law". StreetLaw.org. http://www.streetlaw.org/en/Article.51.aspx. Retrieved 5 June 2007. 
  15. ^ "What is reACTION?". New Yorkers Against Gun Violence. http://www.nyagv.org/youth-action-reaction.htm. 
  16. ^ Romano, Denise (30 April 2007). "Students Serve Borough Right". NY Daily News. http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/brooklyn/2007/05/02/2007-05-02_students_serve_borough_right_.html. 
  17. ^ "Student Plays Hit the Stage on Fidelity FutureStage Celebration Day". Brooklyn Eagle online. http://www.brooklyneagle.com/categories/category.php?category_id=9&id=43927. Retrieved 8 June 2011. 
  18. ^ "NYC NYC Students Debut Original Theater Works at Fidelity FutureStage Celebration". NYMetroParents. http://nymetroparents.com/article/NYC-Debut-Original-Theater-Works-at-Fidelity-FutureStage-Celebration. 
  19. ^ "Global Kids Youth Fight Environmental and Food Injustice in Brooklyn". EducationNews.org. 11 August 2010. http://www.educationnews.org/pr_releases/98064.html. 
  20. ^ Haberman, Clyde (6 August 2010). "Learning in Summer, Gladly". New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/06/nyregion/06nyc.html?scp=3&sq=high%20school%20for%20public%20service%20brooklyn&st=cse. 
  21. ^ Kilgannon, Corey (29 December 2010). "Sweat | Training Champions, One Bruise at a Time". New York Times. http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/12/19/sweat-training-champions-one-bruise-at-a-time/?scp=15&sq=high%20school%20for%20public%20service%20brooklyn&st=cse. 

External links